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Scott Weil instructor

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Scott has been an independent filmmaker for over a decade. Known for his outside of the box style of producing, he strays from the wasteful spending of typical Hollywood budgets. Scott's producing experience includes Short Film, Music Videos, Documentaries and Feature Films, including the award-winning "Once Upon A Superhero".  Scott is a rare commodity in that he not only knows the artistic side of filmmaking, but also how to combine it with the business end.  He is currently in pre-production on his next film and spearheading "Filmmaking - The New Frontier", a project that will change the face of independent film production.  Fresh off the festival circuit tour for "Once Upon A Superhero, Scott is blazing ahead will all of his indie film endeavors and is available as a consultant to help you reach your full potential as an independent filmmaker and navigate the ever-changing landscape of the film business.  Scott is also a Yoga Instructor.  In the last few years, he has perfected a special yoga technique that opens the creative mind.  To book your online filmmaking consultation or creative yoga class, click here.


We are in a new era of independent filmmaking, where for the world’s need for truly unique voices has never been greater.  We want to empower the purest form of Independent filmmaking, and help writers, directors and producers fight the constant battle against the Hollywood studio system. With this series of podcasts, videos and online events, Filmmaking The New Frontier  will wage the war to keep truly artistic and original filmmaking alive and thriving.


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